June 3, 2014

Vincyklus to hold general meeting

Members of Vincyklus Inc, the lone agribusiness/agroprocessing cluster in this country, will gather this week for its second general meeting for the year.{{more}}

The meeting is slated to take place on Thursday, June 5, 2014, at the Ministry of Agriculture conference room at 9:30 a.m. It will feature a guest presentation on Customs Import Duties by the Customs and Excise Department.

High on the agenda are plans for the election of a new board in November to govern the affairs of Vincyklus. The general meeting will also receive the reports from vice-president Desrie Lewis and respective commit­tees, among them Finance, Advocacy and Lobbying, Marketing & Promotions, and Business Support.

VincyKlus was founded on September 16, 2012, under a special initiative by the Centre for Enter­prise Development Inc (CED), through its EU-funded Business Gateway Project. It was officially launched on November 10, 2012. The main objective of Vincyklus is to increase and strengthen the capability of individual producers through export development training, marketing and promotions, and information support, in order to enhance and develop the export capacity of firms to take full advantage of market access opportunities. Its membership comprises persons, enterprises, institutions and agencies that constitute the value chain for agri-business development in St Vincent and the Grenadines.

Among the services that VincyKlus provides are advocacy and lobbying, marketing and promotion, information and education, business support, finance and credit.

Members of the cluster are invited to Thursday’s general meeting.