Reach out to everyone who has suffered loss – Cummings
January 17, 2014

Reach out to everyone who has suffered loss – Cummings

We ought to dig deep and find ways to help those affected by the Christmas Eve tragedy to get back on their feet again in a sustained way.{{more}}

Opposition Parliamentarian Daniel Cummings made the point at last Sunday’s Hope Concert, which was held at the Victoria Park.

Cummings, representing Leader of the Opposition Arnhim Eustace, said the assistance needed to be given to everyone.

“Everyone in this country that has suffered loss – we must reach out without exception and ensure that that forgiveness which we seek is genuine and earnest,” he said.

During his presentation, which lasted just under 10 minutes, Cummings preceded the latter point by speaking on forgiveness.

He said that those in positions of leadership come from the bowels of the society, just like the rest of us.

“With our strengths, with our weaknesses; made in the image of God, but with all our faults,” he said.

“…few times when we put our leaders on a pedestal that makes them believe that they are demigods,” Cummings continued.

But leaders need to remember that they cannot be leaders unless there are followers.

“And that we got to first serve, before we can be true leaders.”

But regardless to what organization a leader is serving, there will be those who look around and become suspicious of any seeming attempt to remove them from that position of authority, Cummings explained.

“And that puts in their hearts the need often- times to be mean,” the Opposition parliamentarian said.

And while he said he had no intention of casting aspersions, he wanted to merely suggest that unless leaders experienced true forgiveness, then they had yet to begin to live.

“I am talking about that simple first step of genuine, total forgiveness,” Cummings said.

“I believe in this society there as too much hurt, there is too much spite, there is too much wickedness, there is too much pulling down – too many of us will jump on any rumour and spread it like wildfire about someone we perceive to be our enemy, even though we don’t have the slightest hint of evidence, but we thrive on spreading gossip and innuendos,” Cummings said.

He encouraged all in positions of leadership to lead by example and start by forgiving all those who did wrong.

“Let us show them the kindness for which it will be reciprocated; let us begin with ourselves and our hearts in our offices.

“And I make the point, I am not only talking to the highest levels of leaders; there are leaders of all levels in our society who do the same thing – we do it in the hope of gaining promotion; let us learn to forgive,” he said.(DD)