SJCM Elite Business Club hosts camp
November 8, 2013

SJCM Elite Business Club hosts camp

by SJCM Elite Business Club Fri Nov 08, 2013

Following months of intense planning and fund-raising, some 50 elite campers and adults gathered at the St Joseph’s Convent Marriaqua for the second annual induction camp and awards dinner of the SJCM Elite Business Club.{{more}}

Camp Elite began on Thursday, October 24, to much hype and excitement. The campers eagerly cleaned and prepared the dorms and session hall for their orientation session that evening, following a night of jokes and pizza.

Campers were awake and busy preparing for the day’s events by 6 a.m., a day that was packed not only with many setbacks, but with many more moments etched in memory forever. There were sessions on Project Management, tie dyeing and a visit to the Trade Fair at the Geest Shed.

Friday night saw the hosting of the much anticipated Awards Dinner and Induction Ceremony, even though the weather delayed the proceedings. Campers helped in transforming the school’s auditorium into a spectacular dining room. The elite campers were stunningly dressed as VIP Pix was on hand to photograph the distribution of some 120 awards given in varying categories. The Elite Award 2013 went to Stephen Ferdinand and Elisha Pompey for their outstanding development in all areas of business training. Following the awards, guests and campers were treated to a sumptuous buffet style three course dinner, prepared by the kitchen staff. Sleep was far from coming that night as persons stayed up reviewing the many events of the day.

Saturday morning arrived very quickly with two more sessions being held on that day dealing with the need for ethics in business and the importance of goal setting and working towards them. To the delight of many, dinner on Saturday evening was done as a grill night, with the telling of stories around the grill. After dinner there was a very moving prayer session hosted by the club’s founder. Camp ended on Independence Sunday, with a procession down to the St John’s Roman Catholic Church in Mesopotamia for mass. The Club wishes to thank all those persons who worked tirelessly to make Camp Elite 2013 a resounding success. Special thanks to the Board of Advisors for their vision in placing this event on our annual calendar and also to the many business places that made donations towards our camp. As the camp chant for the weekend went ‘ WE ARE ELITE! We develop the business mind and transform the business world! This camp would not have been possible had it not been for the many sleepless nights and perseverance of our dearest founder and CEO. Thank you for helping us to be better able to contribute to the development of our school and country.