November 8, 2013

Search clerks complain about cramped conditions

Some of the persons who use the search room at the civil registry have complained about their new accommodations in the former Halifax Street branch of the National Commericial Bank.{{more}}

When Prime Minister Dr Ralph Gonsalves took a tour of the renovated premises Wednesday, some of them were extremely vocal about the small space and lack of washroom facilities.

In his official remarks, Gonsalves addressed the complaints, which were made in a manner that some may deem inappropriate.

“The only area I’ve received complaints from this morning is from the searchers in the search room and they’re saying that the room is too small and it is cramped,” the Prime Minister said.

“There are some simple things which BRAGSA (Roads, Buildings and General Services Authority) needs to do, like for instance, there is a shelf there which they say they should move it because they could easily knock their head on it. Well, that’s a five, 10 minute job. That’s no big thing for anybody to create any war about and the washroom, BRAGSA had identified the place and they will put in the washroom there,” he said.

Gonsalves noted that the space was undoubtedly too small and that it was extremely unfortunate that the washroom was not able to go in before the building was officially opened.

“The registry had the pressure of a timeline and people were demanding that we move so the people who are in the search room…they just have to bear with us a little while longer in relation to the toilet facilities.

“The registrar has a challenge and I’m sure we’ll find the solution to extend the search room and the person who is responsible has made a suggestion to the registrar and I think it is a suggestion worth pursuing as to how we can get more space with the search room,” he said.

Additionally, the Prime Minister stated that while the facilities may not be perfect, they are a dramatic improvement on what existed before.

“I’m asking anybody…if you have a little difficulty here at the registry, please don’t make no big war. Just go to the deputy registrar, the registrar…and say ‘I see something, couldn’t we improve on that?’” Gonsalves said.

He assured those present that whatever the problem may be, it will be resolved once it passes through the correct chaannels.

The searchers admitted that while the space is too small, it is more comfortable, because they are now working in the comfort of an air-conditioned environment.

During the outburst from one of the searchers, individuals from BRAGSA arrived to carry out various tasks at the building.

The civil registry was previously located in the High Court Building.(BK)