SJCM 3rd Annual Sr. Pat Award for Excellence
October 11, 2013

SJCM 3rd Annual Sr. Pat Award for Excellence

Fri Oct 11, 2013

On September 27, students, parents, sponsors, well wishers and staff gathered in the Javouhey Hall of St Joseph’s Convent Marriaqua to witness the presentation of the 2013 Sister Pat award for excellence to 31 students, a Peace Corps volunteer and a long-serving teacher.{{more}}

The ceremony began with the procession into the hall of the members of staff, followed by the 2013 awardees. After the singing of the National anthem, Sr. Gertrude Tang Kai opened the proceedings with prayer, reminding all that ‘we can do all things through Christ who strengthens us’. Immediately following, a profile of Sr. Patricia Ann (Pat) Douglas was read, which outlined the many characteristics of the woman after whom the school’s highest award is named.

This was followed by a moving tribute to Sr. Mary Paul Sellier, who died on August 21 this year. Sr. Mary Paul was the first principal of the then Marriaqua Secondary School from 1968 to 1970, setting a firm foundation, through her dedication and indomitable spirit, for the school, which still exists today. Jennifer Browne, the acting principal, informed those present of the criteria used to select those who were being given the Sr. Pat award for excellence. The awardees were presented with their certificate, cheque and award button by the representatives of the sponsors. Many of the 31 awardees aspire to professional careers in the future, in order to be able to contribute to the development and advancement of our nation: St Vincent and the Grenadines.

This year the school recognized the outstanding contribution made by former Peace Corps volunteer Danielle McCarthy nee Pack who founded and operates the Denniston Thomas Foundation by sourcing much needed funds to help economically challenged students and Lynn Cevene who has been teaching at SJCM for the past 22 years in the areas of Visual Art and English Literature. Both have made stellar contributions to SJCM through their service and dedication.

Student awardee Chanté Joseph warmed the hearts of all present with her excellent rendition in song, after which she received a resounding round of applause. Zeon Ballantyne thanked everyone for their contribution to the awards ceremony and reminded awardees that he wished to see them on stage again next year, along with many other students.

Had it not been for the vision and insight of our principal, Sr. Jacinta Wallace, who is away on study leave, the Sr. Pat Award for Excellence would not have been in existence. She saw it as the most fitting way to honour the memory of Sr. Patricia Ann Douglas who sought to create a value system that enriches the spirit, emboldens the heart and nourishes the mind. We thank Sr. Jacinta for her vision and for the establishing of this award. We also wish to thank our sponsors United Agencies, Bank of Nova Scotia, Cardinal Law Firm, FCIB and Eyes ‘r’ Us for their continued pledge of support towards the monetary gifts given to the awardees. We salute all 33 awardees on receiving the highest award of the school and remind them of Sr. Pat’s favourite saying: ‘Moments pass, consequences last; think before you act.’

Submitted by:

SJCM Public Relations Committee