September 24, 2013

I will never be a tool for division – Senator Thomas

Newly appointed senator for the Unity Labour Party (ULP) Jomo Thomas has vowed that he will never be a tool for division.{{more}}

Thomas was sworn in as one of the three new government senators, last Thursday, at the House of Assembly.

During his inaugural address, Thomas revealed that he had to think “long and hard” about taking up the position that was offered to him by the Prime Minister.

“There comes a time in the life of every man when serious decisions have to be made, as to how to chart a course, not only for ourselves but for our country,” Thomas said.

“I must say that when the Prime Minister of St Vincent and the Grenadines called and asked me if I was ready to be a part of a process that can continue to take St Vincent along the road of development, I wasn’t surprised at the call, but I had to think long and hard about it”.

Thomas, who acknowledged that he has been critical of the administration in some instances in the past, stated that he thought about the offer for two days before consulting individuals and eventually making a decision.

“I must say that most of them were generally supportive. There were only two outright ‘No’s,’” he said.

“When I looked at everything else, the decision for me to accept the challenge to be a part of the politics in St Vincent and the Grenadines in a more integrated way is the path that I should take”.

Additionally, Thomas has vowed to never be a voice of division while conducting his duties as a senator in the House of Assembly.

“I want to say that…Jomo Sanga Thomas, while being in service to the Unity Labour Party and to the people of St Vincent and the Grenadines, will never, never be a voice or tool for division,” he said.

“I am hoping that we could sit together and debate the serious issues of this country and come away at the end of those discussions allowing our people a better understanding of the difficulties of building an underdeveloped country like ours”.

On Thursday, Thomas was also elected as Deputy Speaker of the House of Assembly.

Camillo Michael Gonsalves and Robert Theodore Luke Vincent Browne were also sworn in as Senators on Thursday.

On September 16, Gonsalves and Browne took an oath of office, oath of allegiance to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II and an oath of secrecy.

Gonsalves was appointed the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Foreign Trade, Commerce and Information Technology, while Browne was appointed Parliamentary Secretary in the Ministry of Tourism, Sports and Culture.(BK)