September 20, 2013

Legal practitioners are ministers of justice, not paid mercenaries – QC

One lawyer here has implored legal practicioners to take up their responsibility as ministers of justice and not be seen as paid mercenaries.{{more}}

Speaking at the opening of the new law term on Tuesday at the High Court, Parnel Campbell, QC said there are many cases where clients go to lawyers with certain stories, and instead of the attorneys telling them they are wrong, they go ahead with the matter.

“Instead of telling them that they are wrong, we take their cases and go to court, totally without merit, just because they are getting paid. We don’t sit people down and say, this is what the law says, you are wrong. I’m not taking this!” Campell further added.

Campbell, who also challenged lawyers present look at their function in society, said instead of some lawyers “chasing people” who come to them with “unmeritorious cases”, their fees are taken and the matter goes to court.

“A case goes before the magistrate; the case is dismissed and instead of the lawyer telling the client the case was dismissed because of this and that reason, we join with the client in cursing the magistrate or remain silent when the client makes disparaging remarks against the magistrate… Don’t join with the client in castigating the magistrate.”

Campell stated that lawyers should be honest with their clients and tell them their case was lost because they (the lawyer) did not prepare properly or did not do the necessary research.

“We must look at ourselves and see what is it we can correct and what examples we have been setting for those coming up.”(KW)