Annual Vincy picnic in Canada
July 23, 2013

Annual Vincy picnic in Canada

The ever popular St Vincent and the Grenadines Annual Family Unity Picnic took place last Saturday at Brown’s Bay recreational park in Ontario, Canada.{{more}}

Although weather reports predicted rain, the picnickers were instead blessed with a wonderful sun drenched day.

The park was alive with activity as picnickers gathered early to get the best shaded tree lined areas to set up their tents and get their barbecues going.

With the arrival of buses from Toronto, Ottawa, Montreal and New York, the steady flow of traffic to the picnic got into full swing.

Once again, the provincial police and park staff were very professional in all aspects of their duties, ensuring that an enjoyable day was had by all.

Addresses were made by Steve Clarke MPP for Leeds-Grenville constituency and the mayor of the town of Brockville. They expressed their sincere thanks to the three St Vincent and the Grenadines associations for their continued use of their facilities, as the city welcomes the annual event each year.

In his address, chief executive officer of the SVG Tourism Authority Glen Beache gave an update on the progress of the construction of the international airport at Argyle.

Ontario’s provincial flag was presented to him as a gesture of friendship and goodwill between nationals of St Vincent and the Grenadines and the town of Brockville.

The festivities lasted throughout the day, with music blaring all around the park in a carnival type atmosphere.

When interviewed, those present said they are already making plans for next year, while others said they wouldn’t miss the wonderful social event for anything.