Questelles residents exposed by NTRC to training in basic computer skills
July 2, 2013

Questelles residents exposed by NTRC to training in basic computer skills

A number of persons are now more knowledgeable when it comes to using a computer. Among them are Arlene Roberts, Tilton Myers, Andrew Shallow and Ernest Griffith,{{more}} who gained some much welcomed basic computer skills on Wednesday, June 19, during a National Telecommunications Regulatory Commission (NTRC) Open Day Session.

The session, held at the Learning Resource Centre in Questelles, was aimed at teaching basic computer skills to first time users and amateur computer operators.

Roberts, who is from Coconut Range, Campden Park, said that she is a domestic worker and she jumped at the opportunity to come to the session when her daughter brought a letter from school telling her about the free training. She said that the session at the centre allowed her to sit at a computer for the longest she has ever done so.

“I think it is a very interesting programme and its beneficial to people, as it helped me to learn things that I never knew”, said Roberts who added that she would like to come back to the centre.

Myers, who is from Layou, described the session as, “a good activity.” He said that it enabled persons like himself who are not computer literate to explore and learn about computers in a relaxed environment.

“I like how they (NTRC) are helping us. I learnt a lot of different things and I never really sat in front a computer for this length of time,” said Myers who is a retiree.

Shallow and Griffith, both security guards, said that it was the first time that they were sitting in front of a computer. Shallow said that he is hoping that he can come back to the centre to learn more, while Griffith said that he was hoping to learn to use a computer for a very long time.

“I like this programme because I now know a few things”, said Griffith.

The session was carried out by Information Technology lecturer John Erjavec, who taught basic computer use, which included how to use a mouse, keyboarding, surfing the Internet and numeracy.

Meanwhile Universal Service Fund (USF) administrator at the NTRC Kyron Duncan said that he was pleased with the response of persons that came to the session.

“A number of the persons did not have a lot of knowledge, little or none, and they have left with information and education that they would not have known if they did not come here today”, said Duncan.

Zonal coordinator (Zone Six), Division of Adult and Continuing Education Ann Jones thanked the NTRC for coming to the centre.

“It’s a good idea and my only regret is that it didn’t have more parents turning up, but I am sure that those who came would have benefitted”, said Jones.

Duncan also said that the location for the next open session will soon be announced.