Vincy leading the way in social networks
June 21, 2013

Vincy leading the way in social networks

When it comes to promotions through the social networks, the St Vincent and Grenadines Tourism Authority is leading the way.{{more}}

Glen Beache, the Authority’s chief executive officer, said at a press conference on Monday, that this country’s tourism website is one of the most popular in the region, based not only on the number of “Likes” it has been receiving, but also by the number of people talking about it worldwide.

“The Caribbean Tourism Development Corporation, which is basically the marketing branch of the CTO (Caribbean Tourism Organization), they just launched a new website… and we’re happy to say that on that website, St Vincent and the Grenadines has had the most hits… the most popular out of all of the Caribbean destinations, so we’re happy about that,” Beache told the media.

“I think we are one of the best in terms of working the social media, in terms of the Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus, Pinterest, and so we do concentrate on it a great deal.”

Beache pointed out that the Authority puts a lot of emphasis on social media, since its financial resources pale in comparison to that of its Caribbean rivals.

He said that the promotions and competitions placed on the Authority’s website, are a huge attraction.

“We don’t have the financial clout that many of the other Caribbean countries have, but I think we’re able to use the social media the best way possible and I remember last year at the CTO’s Caribbean Week, there was a special programme done on social media, and the example they used as how it should be done was St Vincent and the Grenadines.

“So, it’s a matter for us pushing a lot of stuff on the social media, because it’s a much cheaper way of getting out our message.”

Beache used the opportunity to urge Vincentians at home and abroad to visit the website, so that they can keep up to date on what is being done by the Authority, and also to share that information with others.(JJ)