Third placed Kelcey surprised by results
June 18, 2013

Third placed Kelcey surprised by results

Third placed student in this year’s Common Entrance Exam Kelcey Allen was very surprised when the results were released.{{more}}

Not only did Allen place third overall and second for girls, with an average of 94.62 per cent, but she was also among the three students scoring the most for the General Paper, with 96.67 per cent.

“I feel very proud with the results, but I honestly wasn’t expecting it” the pupil of the Kingstown Preparatory School told SEARCHLIGHT last Friday.

“I was hoping to pass in the top ten, but I guess that’s the result you get from applying yourself,” Allen added.

Allen is a resident of Campden Park and daughter of Selwyn and Jacqueline Allen.

Meanwhile, Alyssa Patterson, another pupil of the Kingstown Preparatory School, was also one of the three students who gained top honours in General Paper.

“I feel proud that I came out on top and I’m happy that I was successful in Common Entrance overall,” she said.

Patterson placed 13th for girls and 29th overall.

The Fountain resident said she felt confident going into the exams, as she had dedicated much of her time towards studying and revising her work each day.

She also credited her parents Annemarie and Anthony Patterson for being supportive of her throughout her studies.

“I had a lot of lessons with my parents and other relatives who supported and they were all counting on me to do well,” she added.

Mauriceo Bullock, also a student of the Kingstown Preparatory School, was among the six students that obtained 100 per cent in Math. (AA)