May 7, 2013

Burglaries on increase in Marriaqua Valley

Some residents and business owners in the Marriaqua Valley are calling on the relevant authorities to step up measures in order to put a dent in the number of burglaries that have been occurring in the area within recent times.{{more}}

Evered “Bing” Dowers told SEARCHLIGHT that he would like to see an increase in patrols, particularly in areas where young men in the community often congregate.

“They have to start with the youngsters on the block,” Dowers stated.

The man’s home in Freeland in the Mesopotamia Valley was broken into sometime at night on April 23.

According to Dowers, he left his home shortly after 5 p.m. that evening to go to work at the Evesham Government School, where he works a 12-hour shift as a watchman.

He said that when he returned home shortly after 6 the following morning, he immediately saw that his home was not in the same condition as he had left it the day before.

Dowers said he soon realized that some items were missing, including his television, DVD player and cable box.

“By the time I do so, I see a window tear off,” he said, adding that the intruder(s) came in through the window and exited through the back door of his house.

He said this is the first time he has had such an experience, reiterating that it is customary for him to ensure that his house was properly secured before leaving.

He called on the authorities to provide more patrols.

Dowers contended that there are many young men who congregate in the area and plot mischief.

“They (the police) need to just run them off the block and let them do something positive,” he said.

Meanwhile, burglar(s) made off with approximately $40,000 from the Western Union office in Mesopotamia between April 16 and 17.

Smaller business houses in the area have also been targeted by burglars.

The proprietor of one popular spot told SEARCHLIGHT that something should be done to address the problem.

She too suggested an increase in patrols.

Her business place was broken into on April 17 and burglars got away with a quantity of items, including cash.

“This is the first time and I hope it’s the last time too,” she said.

Verne Da Silva said that his shop has been targeted by burglars on numerous occasions, particularly over the last two years.

Back in 2010 during the passage of Hurricane Tomas, his shop was burglarized.

Da Silva’s business place was burglarized on April 20 and, according to the businessman, the intruder(s) made off with over $2,000 worth in items, including alcohol and cigarettes.

He explained that they made off with as much as $4,000 worth of goods in 2012 when his business was also targeted.

“One thing is the items taken, but also the damage to the building,” Da Silva said.

He said that he has had to replace doors and repair damaged walls.

The last time, the burglars damaged four ventilation blocks to gain entry and while blocks are relatively cheap, Da Silva said that he has to pay for the repairs to be done.

He was also in agreement that more patrols needed to be done, particularly late at night.

Divisional Commander, Superintendent Carlos Sampson, when contacted, said that measures had been put in place to address the concerns expressed. (DD)