Sweet-I’s relatives say thanks to SVG
February 19, 2013

Sweet-I’s relatives say thanks to SVG

The mother and sister of Sweet-I Robertson say that the assistance that she is receiving from the State, takes a great burden off their shoulders.{{more}}

Beginning January this year, Sweet-I, who is paralyzed as a result of a gunshot injury, has received an increase in her public assistance from $200 to $1,000, through contributions from the National Lotteries Authority and the National Insurances Services, along with home help care, with arrangements also made for her transportation to and from physiotherapy sessions in Kingstown.

The systems were set up, following an intervention by Prime Minister Dr Ralph Gonsalves, who read about the family’s plight in the December 21, 2012 publication of SEARCHLIGHT.

Last Friday, during a visit to Sweet-I on her 20th birthday, mom Cliforna Robertson told SEARCHLIGHT that the assistance has been a tremendous help to them.

“I feel so happy; it was real terrible,” Robertson told SEARCHLIGHT.

“It was coarse ‘pon me, I was real stressed out. After I praying and I get this help, I feel so good, because is a hundred per cent ease up eh.”

The mother of five, of which Sweet-I is her fourth child, said that after her daughter’s shooting, she had to stop working to take care of her on a daily basis.

She said that with the financial and other assitance, she would be able to take better care of Sweet-I.

“I feel like a weight off my shoulder.”

Sweet-I’s sister Racquel, a teacher at the Petit Bordel Secondary School, also expressed gratitude for the assistance the family has received in order to take care of her sister.

“I’m very happy for her; it was really difficult for us, and we really appreciate the help that we’re getting. I think it’s a lot and we’re very thankful.”

Rachel gave the prime minister, along with Unity Labour Party (ULP) constituency caretaker Dr Jerrol Thompson, a tour of the refurbished home, which now includes a “drive-in” shower, to accommodate the wheelchair bound young woman.

The soft-spoken birthday girl said that she is glad for the help that she is receiving and revealed that she spends most of her time studying. She said at present, she is preparing to re-sit her English Literature exams at CSEC.

When asked what she would like to do when she has completed her studies, a shy Sweet-I responded: “I’m not sure as yet, but whatever it is, I just want to be successful.”(JJ)