President Obama’s inauguration ‘absolutely amazing’ – former GHS student
February 12, 2013

President Obama’s inauguration ‘absolutely amazing’ – former GHS student

Jimelle Roberts has described the experience of being present at the inauguration of United States President Barack Obama on January 21, 2013, as “absolutely amazing”.{{more}}

Roberts, 19, was selected to attend the 57th Presidential Inauguration ceremony, while attending a global young leaders’ conference in China a few years ago.

The former Girls’ High School student attended the conference in China after being named the 2008/2009 RBTT Young Leader of the Year, here in St Vincent and the Grenadines.

The Collegiate Presidential Inaugural Conference, held in Washington, D.C., took place from January 19 to 23. It is held every four years in conjunction with the formal inauguration of the President and Vice President of the United States.

Roberts, an English teacher at the Girls’ High School, was the youngest of the 900 individuals from around the world who were invited.

“It was pretty interesting,” she told SEARCHLIGHT.

Looking at the inauguration on television and actually being there are two totally different experiences, Roberts stated.

“When you look at it on television, you actually feel proud to see Obama being President of the United States of America.

“And the fact that you are actually there, that just brings an emotional feeling, knowing where he came from to where he is now today.”

Roberts admitted that she was “very emotional” during the ceremony.

Elated about her experience, Roberts said she shared her experience with her friends and relatives, who are all very proud of her achievement.

The 2013 Collegiate Presidential Inaugural Conference consisted of a variety of exclusive events and activities, including opening night receptions, special presentations from noted keynote speakers such as former US President George W Bush and explorations of the presidential campaigns, the electoral process and the presidency.(AA)