Physically challenged youth heading back to classroom
January 18, 2013

Physically challenged youth heading back to classroom

The secondary school student who was paralyzed after he fell from a mango tree three years ago should be back in a classroom before the end of the term. Work has finally begun at the Buccament Bay Secondary School, where Yanick Charles, who uses a wheelchair, is expected to resume his studies.{{more}}

Charles, 15, was a student of the St Martin’s Secondary School when he suffered his injury.

After talks with officials in the Ministry of Education, it was decided that he would attend the school in Central Leeward, which is closer to his Chauncey home.

After some delay, work has finally commenced at the school, with preparatory work for the construction of ramps, which will allow Charles access to the classrooms and other rooms.

Janice Charles, the young man’s aunt, told SEARCHLIGHT by telephone on Tuesday that her nephew has received a motorized wheelchair, which gives him more mobility.

His mother Jayland added that Yanick has received some of his text books and uniform to attend school.

She said that he is going through his books, preparing for his return.

Yanick is expected to resume his academic work in form two.

A call to the school on Wednesday confirmed that BRAGSA has commenced work at the site.

Principal of the school Kay Martin-Jack said if all goes according to plan, the ramps should be completed by the end of January.

Yanick’s plight was made public in August 2012 when, in an article published by SEARCHLIGHT, his relatives pleaded for help.

On September 17, chief education officer Lou-Anne Gilchrist apologized to Yanick’s family for the delay in having him reintegrated into the school system. She announced that arrangements were being made for him to attend the Buccament Bay Secondary School. (JJ)