Digicel sponsors Karaoke competition at Rasco’s Bar
January 11, 2013

Digicel sponsors Karaoke competition at Rasco’s Bar

Persons who choose to take part in the Karaoke competition at Rasco’s Bar in Chauncey will receive great prizes, compliments Digicel -the “Bigger Better Network”.{{more}}

On Wednesday, the telecommunications company gave its commitment to sponsoring the Karaoke competition which has already begun and takes place every Saturday at Rasco’s Bar in Chauncey, beginning from 8 p.m.

Operator of Rasco’s Bar and organizer of the competition Dane Jack said that the competition aims to bring out the talent in the community, so he was very happy when Digicel decided to support the venture.

“I always want to be able to include Digicel in everything I do….even when I was in Trinidad, I operated a Digicel booth on the Savannah during Carnival and I think Digicel is indeed the Bigger Better Network and I hope they stay with me”, said Jack.

“Once Digicel roll with me, I roll with them”, he added.

Jack is encouraging persons to come to the venue in Chauncey, where every Saturday night the top two singers will be chosen to take part in a grand finale (date not yet set).

He is hoping to make the event an annual one and stresses that even after the competition is finished, karaoke continues every Saturday night.

“Anybody can come and take part. It’s usually a nice session”, said Jack.

Weekly winners will receive credit, while the overall winner will receive a handset, compliments Digicel.

Marketing manager at Digicel Juno DeRoche said that Rasco’s Karaoke promotes good clean fun and helps to nurture talent and Digicel is always in support of events like this one.

“We wish everyone good luck and we are glad to be part of this competition”, said DeRoche.