South Windward area representative holds open days for constituents
November 27, 2012

South Windward area representative holds open days for constituents

The first in a series of open days in South Windward convened Thursday and Friday, with 180 residents turning out.{{more}}

Constituents took the opportunity to meet with area representative Saboto Caesar at the North Union Market and discussed matters of health, education, agriculture, and poverty alleviation.

As early as 7 a.m., residents of all ages gathered outside the market area for a chance to speak with the minister.

Persons first met with the minister’s secretary and gave their names and purpose for visit, before meeting with Caesar.

He met with each individual for at least 10 minutes, during which they had dialogue privately.

The main request was for building materials, Caesar said.

“Many of these persons are still recovering from Hurricane Tomas over a year ago and are still in need of assistance for building materials to repair their homes. So we have noted those requests and will be doing everything in our powers to assist those individuals,” Caesar told SEARCHLIGHT yesterday.

Inquiries about employment was also high on the list from the various residents.

Caesar said the residents’ requests have been documented and each will be considered.

He, however, said that not everyone would receive the requested assistance immediately, and at least one resident said this was reasonable.

“We might not get the request we ask for right away, but it’s a good thing for the people of the area to be able to meet with him (Caesar),” said Diamond resident Urline Andrews, who met with the minister.

“So, now we don’t have to go to his office or don’t have to wait until coming close to elections when they come around to ask for assistance,” he added.

Andre Pope of Mt Greenan said the constituency open day is one of the best initiatives to happen for the area.

“People who need help can talk to him (Caesar) directly, can do so now and at least we know he hears our pleas.

“There are some areas where he made some errors, but I guess after allowing people to come and speak to him about their issues, he will recognize his downfall and pick up on those. So, it’s a good thing for the constituency,” he said.

Some persons, however, saw Caesar’s initiative as a political strategy.

But those individuals said they were still grateful for the opportunity to speak with him about their issues.

“Well, with politicians anything is expected; as you know they have to try and do things to make the people happy. He’s a good person and I know he will help where he can, but I am still of the view that this is a strategy to sway voters in his corner,” said an individual who asked for anonymity.

The South Windward constituency open day will be held once per quarter, but regular constituency visits continue every Thursday at different locations.

“I know there are more people who would want to have dialogue with me and already I’ve had request from other communities in the constituency for me to come there,” the minister told SEARCHLIGHT.

“There are issues out there affecting the people and I am willing to sit and meet with these residents to hear and see how much I can assist,” he added. (AA)