Stretch your dollar further with Nuff Savings
November 23, 2012

Stretch your dollar further with Nuff Savings

Come next Tuesday, Vincentian consumers will have a greater incentive to shop at their favourite stores,{{more}} through the pages of the SEARCHLIGHT Midweek edition.

From that day, coupons from a number of top businesses will be issued to shoppers, offering discounts and other rewards, to be redeemed in store, thanks to the latest business venture of Kishore Shallow, dubbed Nuff Savings.

Shallow, the up and coming entrepreneur who has brought this international trend to these shores, told SEARCHLIGHT that the idea of offering “nuff savings” to customers through coupons has come at a perfect time, in an effort to help consumers deal with the harsh, ongoing economic crunch.

“We have all been struck by the global recession in one way or another,” he explained. “The regular products and services we once could afford have increased, leaving us chopping our shopping list constantly.

“What Nuff Savings allows you to do is stretch your dollar, and increase your spending power by using your coupons.”

Shallow pointed out that the coupons can be cut out of the SEARCHLIGHT Midweek, and taken to the store or outlet to redeem their value on the particular product or service.

He said that an alternative is to go on the Nuff Savings website (, print the coupons, and redeem them at the store or outlet.

The coupons are available online starting today, Friday.Strategic manager of Nuff Savings David Brown, who has researched the effective use of coupons in St Vincent and the Grenadines and on the international scene, said that apart from the obvious and bountiful savings to accrue to the shopper, business houses would also see an increase in their cash tills by offering coupons to the public.

He urged the products and services suppliers who have not yet come on board to do so and reap benefits.

“Because coupons ‘pull in the business’, they have gained remarkable acceptance and popularity among astute marketing managers in the rest of the world. A simple explanation for their acceptance by advertisers is their overwhelming acceptance and use by the consuming public; after all, who doesn’t want to save money?

“Coupons also build store traffic which results in additional impulse purchases. Coupons are the most measurable and accountable form of promotion. It’s simply a matter of counting the number of coupons redeemed to judge the effectiveness of the offer.”

Brown also stated that the use of coupons by business places would woo new customers who may have been previously shopping with the competition, or those who may have strayed.

The men behind Nuff Savings say that there has already been a considerable buzz surrounding the latest innovation in local shopping, and that plans are already in the works for an expansion into the region.

They urged both consumers and businesses to get on board with the initiative, and find themselves on the way to nuff savings.

“Nuff Savings offers tremendous benefits to all… we want to ensure that everyone stands to gain; so the more spending power consumers have, the more sales and revenue for the businesses, which brings us to our ultimate goal, to add value to St Vincent and the Grenadines’ economy.”