Salvation Army seeks Vincentians’ continued support for Kettle Appeal
November 16, 2012

Salvation Army seeks Vincentians’ continued support for Kettle Appeal

Despite the economic situation here, Vincentians have been encouraged to give generously to this year’s Salvation Army Christmas Kettle Appeal.{{more}}

Commanding Officer of the church here, Major Pierre Antoine, told SEARCHLIGHT Wednesday that contributions towards the initiative in the past have been very good and he looks forward to the same support from the public this year.

The Kettle Appeal’s minimum target is $100,000.

“People have been supporting this greatly, but sometimes there are some challenges due to the financial problems in the island. We are encouraging them to do so as they did over the years,” he said.

The money generated from the Kettle Appeal is used to sustain some of the Church’s annual activities, which include their school feeding program, where approximately 150 students from primary and secondary schools benefit.

“Over the years, the people support has afforded us to do this work which has been blessed by God and we thank everyone for their kindness as we are unable to do it alone,” Antoine added.

The Kettle Appeal will be launched at 10 a.m. today, outside the General Post Office.

Comptroller at the Inland Revenue Department Kelvin Pompey will deliver the feature address.

The Kettle Appeal runs until Christmas Eve. (AA)