Four more years, Obama again!
November 9, 2012

Four more years, Obama again!

Like many Americans, some Vincentians residing at home and in the diaspora were on Wednesday in a celebratory mood, following the re-election of Barack Obama as President of the United States of America.{{more}}

President Obama overcame a bad economy, high unemployment and a fractured political landscape to win a second term in the White House Tuesday night, defeating his Republican opponent Mitt Romney by taking several key battleground states and denying him any inroads in traditional Democratic bastions.

The north-eastern states all stayed in Obama’s column by huge margins, but he also took at least six of the nine swing states, including all-important Ohio, carrying the 51-year-old president over the 270 electoral votes he needed to win, according to unofficial returns.

Following the announcement of President Obama’s return to the White House early Wednesday morning, many Vincentians took to the social media to congratulate the President on his “well deserved victory.”

Robert Clouden, on his Facebook profile, posted; “I knew it, I knew it. I knew it. There was no doubt that President Barack Obama would have been re-elected. He has cemented himself into the history books as the 1st black American to be the president of the USA for a second term. Go Barack, it’s still a long and challenging road ahead, but don’t worry, the American people are behind you. Our prayers are with you Obama.”

Louisa Collins in her post stated: “Me nah give up till the end… faith… Obama, Obama, Obama… Congrats Mr. President.”

Meanwhile, Daryl Stephenson who stayed up all night monitoring the elections, told SEARCHLIGHT that he does not regret losing sleep to witness an election result that he described as historic.

“I am not an American but I am so proud the Obama was elected for a second term. It’s a joyous feeling to have an African American back in the White House for another term.

“His accomplishments in the first term of office were only the start of his promises to the American people in 2008. It is my opinion that if he is to complete those promises – which have already [been] implemented, then he really had to get the second term in office,” Stephenson said.

Another individual from the rastafarian community who only gave his name as I-Ba said Caribbean leaders need to take a page from Obama’s book, with regard to his style of leadership and how he conducts himself.

“This man is a humble man in my opinion. His actions are so calm and collective. His approach in handling crisis, whether financial and social issues, he addresses them and gives his proposed plans on how to rectify these buring issues.

“I am glad he is back in power and maybe some of our local and regional political leaders can look at this man’s action and learn a thing or two. Best wishes to him in these trying times,” I-Ba stated.

Carl Phillips, a Vincentian residing in Taiwan, said the re-election of President Obama means “better economic conditions globally and more opportunities for Vincentians and other ethnic minorities.”

Tizana Goodluck-Hedge has been residing in the US for the past 13 years and for her, it was not an easy task settling in as an outsider; but those challenges have been overcome.

“In this election I was able to make a difference with my vote for the first time and it was one of the happiest days of my life. My voice as a woman was expressed through my vote. America is not the land of my birth, but I give all respect to them because of all my accomplishments. I am proud to be a part of this historical event.

“My favourite quote from President Obama is: ‘Know this America: Our problems can be solved. Our challenges can be met. The path we offer may be harder, but it leads to a better place. And I’m asking you to choose that future’.”

In a sweeping victory speech early Wednesday morning, Obama thanked every American who voted, and vowed to work with leaders from both the Democratic and Republican parties to tackle the country’s challenges. (AA)