April 24, 2012

Potential confrontation staved off at Nice Radio studios?

Did the New Democratic Party (NDP) expect a confrontation at the studios of Nice Radio last Friday?{{more}}

Was Party Vice President St Clair Leacock dispatched to the Dorsetshire Hill studio to ensure that order was maintained after the announcement that the appointment of Anesia Baptiste as Senator had been revoked?

Last Friday, Leacock hosted the NDP’s New Times radio call-in programme, while NDP PRO Ernesto Cooke, who normally hosts the programme, was seen at NDP headquarters at Richmond Hill.

Baptiste posted on her Facebook page shortly after the announcement of her revocation that she had been preparing to go to Nice Radio when she heard the announcement on radio.

“… Like everyone else, I heard this news on radio, while, in fact, I was preparing to go up to Nice Radio to make my contribution to the program,” Baptiste said.

On Fridays, the New Times programme is referred to as Senators’ Friday and normally features contributions by the Party’s senators.

Baptiste did not proceed to the radio station.