March 6, 2012

SVG Horticultural Society makes first visit to Taiwanese Agricultural Mission – Orange Hill

The St. Vincent and the Grenadines Horticultural Society (SVGHS) paid its first visit to The Taiwanese Agricultural Mission at Orange Hill Estates on February 28, 2012,{{more}} in keeping with their Calendar of Events for 2012.

They were able to see the cultivated fields of Tomatoes, Hot Peppers, Sweet Peppers, and Pak Choy.

They were also shown prepared Compost Heaps, and were able to buy seedlings and Orchids. On their way home, they passed into Black Point, where they enjoyed a picnic, with some good Vincentian Cuisine.

According to a release from the Public Relations Officer of the SVGHS, the trip was enjoyed by all, and it was a treat to have been taught a little about gardening by the Taiwanese Farming Experts.