John called to the OECS Bar
November 15, 2011

John called to the OECS Bar

Mindful that there are many underachieving males in today’s society, new lawyer, LaKeisha John intends to do as much as she can to ensure that our males are not left behind.{{more}}

The 24-year-old counsel pledged her commitment to this task on Friday, November 11, 2011, after she was admitted to practice as a Barrister and Solicitor in the Organization of East Caribbean States (OECS).

Presided over by High Court Judge Frederick Bruce-Lyle, John’s call was witnessed by her father, Reuben John, partner at KPMG Eastern Caribbean, and mother Christine John, Manager of Office Essentials Ltd.

Her brothers, Fitz-Reuben and Asim, sister Shakeila John, Governor General Sir Frederick Ballantyne, along with other relatives and close friends were also on hand to witness the momentous occasion.

Counsel Nicole Sylvester presented John’s application to the court, while John’s uncle, Attorney Grenville John seconded her application. Queen’s Counsel Parnel Campbell and Counsels Linton Lewis and Annique Cummings also spoke in support of John’s application.

The Belair resident and former student of the Girls’ High School and St Vincent and the Grenadines Community College, earned her law degree, with second class honours, from the University of the West Indies, Cave Hill Campus in 2008.

In 2009, John successfully completed her Legal Education Certificate from the Hugh Wooding Law School in Trinidad.

Addressing the court, John thanked her parents, whom she referred to as her “number one fans”. “I know they have been looking forward to today and one of the best feelings from today is knowing that I made them both proud parents, as I am the special child, being the only lawyer or as my younger brother sees it, I am the different child, because I am the only one who will not be an accountant. My parents have always been there for me. There has never been an experience of neglect or lack of support from my parents,” John stated.

Stating that becoming a lawyer was always a life-long dream, John recalled passing by the court house and seeing lawyers clad in big black robes.

“The robes were not the only attraction, as I admired the way that lawyers carried themselves and were always outspoken. And as an outspoken child, I always thought that this would be the perfect profession for me,” she added.

A proud member of the Rotaract Club, John says she intends to be an example to younger persons, but not only to young females.

“…Whilst I am elated to know that females seem to be outshining the males, it is quite important for us to try and have a balanced society. We can’t afford to have the males left behind,” John stated.

John said she will never forget where she came from and will ensure that she does her best to shine in the legal fraternity, while remaining a humble individual. As she continued, gratitude was expressed to Attorney Nicole Sylvester, Queen’s Counsel Andrew Cummings, her late grandfather, Westfield ‘Jericho’ John, siblings and other close friends and family members.

In his advice to the young attorney, Justice Bruce-Lyle beseeched her never to forget her family and be proud of where she came from. “There are a lot of lawyers, who as soon as they take the oath and start to take photos outside the court, they forget where they come from. Do not forget your origins,” Bruce-Lyle implored.

John is now attached to the Caribbean International Law Firm.(KW)