Coreas Hazells Inc. lends support to non-profit groups
September 30, 2011

Coreas Hazells Inc. lends support to non-profit groups

Coreas Hazells Inc, in collaboration with the Seven Seas brand, has lent its support to two non profit organizations in St. Vincent and the Grenadines.{{more}}

The company has pledged financial support to breast cancer awareness and treatment, and the development of children, through the Haliborange Rotaract Spelling Bee competition.

The Rotaract spelling bee competition, which will take place next week at the Frenches House, is an initiave of the Rotaract Club to assist with the development of children. President Nikkisha Farrell said she hopes the competition will allow for the growth of the participants involved.

Brand Manager at Coreas John Paul Antoine stated that they have contributed $15,000 to the Spelling Bee. He stated that Coreas’ financial support will extend to the winner of the Spelling Bee competition, who will go on to compete in the regional finals in St.Kitts later this year.

Prizes will also be awarded to the winning schools, and audience members at the finals event will also have an opportunity to walk away with prizes.

Farrell stated that the Rotaract Club has also engaged in a “Each One Inspire One” mentorship programme, where a Rotaract member is paired with a student of the Bishop’s College Kingstown. She added that the mentorship programme seeks to make a positive influence on children who are influenced by several negative components in society, such as music and peer pressure. She added that other sponsors include Courts and VINLEC and Vita Malt, which are new sponsors this year.

Breast Cancer awareness and treatment were also highlighted during the press conference as Antoine announced that Corea’s, in collaboration with the SVG Cancer Society and Seven Seas, has launched a ‘Think Pink” promotion. This promotion, he says, will see US$.60 cents of each specially labeled bottle of Seven Seas ‘One a day’ vitamin capsules that is sold go towards breast cancer awareness, research and treatment.

President of the SVG Cancer Society Dr. Wayne Murray stated that he was pleased that Coreas Hazells Inc has come forward to lend its support to breast cancer.

Murray assured that all money raised from the promotion, which will run for six weeks, will be used to assist cancer patients with treatment and also in cancer awareness.

Though the promotion takes place in Breast Cancer Awareness month of October, Murray further assured that the assistance will not be limited to breast cancer patients. He added that education about cancer will also be done.

Murray stated that this year, the Society was able to assist five cancer patients with getting treatments, all of which had to be done overseas.

Murray also encouraged men and women to get examinations for prostate cancer and pap smears, respectively. He added that women should also do self -examinations of their breasts.

Stating that he is pleased with the partnership, Murray added that there needs to be a system in St. Vincent and the Grenadines that support cancer patients financially in getting treatments, as treatment is expensive and may be the only setback for cancer patients.

Antoine stated that there are 550 specially labeled Seven Seas ‘One a Day’ products. The bottle sports a pink ribbon and also has a pink cover. (OS)