August 19, 2011

Stop female constable as a paid domestic – Dr. Gonsalves

A rural police station has been asked to stop using a female constable there as a “paid domestic”.{{more}}

This call was made as Prime Minister Ralph Gonsalves delivered the featured address at the launch of the Code for Prosecutors at the House of Assembly Chambers, on Tuesday, August 17, 2011.

Gonsalves stated that he had received a report that a female officer stationed at the police station is being used as a cook.

“I’m not calling the police station, but I want them to know I know and I don’t like it, and the person who is in charge of the station, stop it!” Gonsalves said.

He added that he was sure that the deputy commissioner Lenroy Brewster knows about the situation, adding that he has a low opinion of the person who has the female constable as a cook.(OS)