OMDAC – Alliance Francaise, bringing Caribbean youths together
August 9, 2011

OMDAC – Alliance Francaise, bringing Caribbean youths together

Each year, the organization OMDAC in Martinique, in collaboration with the French Embassy to the OECS Member States in St. Lucia and the Alliance Francaises in each of the countries involved,{{more}} organizes the “15zaine de la jeunesse Caribéenne” (two weeks for the Caribbean Youth) during which they invite 2 to 3 young persons from different parts of the Caribbean to come and share information about their countries and their culture.

This year Collette Johnson and Jeanette Fitzpatrick are proudly representing St. Vincent and the Grenadines from July 30 to August 13, 2011. They will take part in exhibitions, discussions, lectures, artistic presentations, etc. at a number of venues in Martinique.

They expressed gratitude to various persons and institutions (SVG Tourism Authority, Alliance Française, etc.) helping them to prepare for their trip, by providing them with materials (books, brochures, music, flag, etc.) to represent SVG.

They will share their experience with us when they return. We wish them “bon voyage”!