Spring Village ‘prophet’ says disaster coming
July 22, 2011

Spring Village ‘prophet’ says disaster coming

God’s word said that in the last days his Spirit will be poured out on all flesh, that they will prophesy, dream dreams and see visions.{{more}}

Spring Village resident Shorenette Stephens claims this has happened to her, as she has received messages from the Spirit of God.

Speaking to SEARCHLIGHT on Tuesday, July 19, 2011, the slender 26-year-old explained the ‘messages’ that she received.

Speaking in a manner of urgency, Stephens stated that a message to the nation came to her on May 24. Stephens was at home when she says the Spirit of God came upon her and spoke to her.

“Go and warn Vincentians. Remind them of Sodom and Gomorrah, of how the people of that nation, their sins came up to heaven and God had consumed them with fire. Warn Vincentians, tell them repent and turn from their sins. Your sins have come up to meet Me. Warn them to keep God’s Ten Commandments. Tell them that Babylon is falling, is falling. That great city that made all nations to drink of the wine of the wrath of her fornication. Tell them that Jesus is coming soon, but of the day and the hour knoweth no man-no not the angels in heaven but my Father only. Tell them disaster after disaster is coming their way soon, soon, soon. Tell them I am coming, I am coming, I am coming to make up my jewels, precious jewels, my love and my own like the stars of the morning bright gown adorning, they will shine in their beauty bright gems for his crown,” Stephens recited.

She added that she was told to take this message to her village, then into the city and other parts of the country. Stephens, accompanied by her mother Elorne Stephens went to the north Leeward area of the country and visited villages including Rose Hall and Chateaubelair. Though met with some resistance, mockery and disbelief from residents, Stephens stated that she always delivered the message and then gave a text, a scripture passage, from the Bible.

She mentioned Ezekiel Chapter 7 which speaks of disaster; Genesis Chapter 19 which gives details of Sodom and Gomorrah; Revelation Chapter 14 which speaks of the fall of Babylon, and Exodus 20 which gives the Ten Commandments, and Matthew Chapter 24 which speaks of the second coming of Christ.

She stated that another message was also given to her at that time. According to Stephens, she was told by God to give a message to the Prime Minister. “The Spirit of God said go and warn him to repent,” she said.

Stephens added that she also received a message while she was dreaming. She explained that in the dream, she saw a big circle of fire rise in the sky from a volcano, while a large open excavation site was seen next to the volcano. As the dream progressed, she said a large crack developed in the earth, followed by violent shaking.

“A vein, a vein, a vein – the excavation of Argyle is affecting the Volcano.” this was the message Stephens said she received after awaking from the dream. She was also told to give this message to the Prime Minister, which she said she did, after a dissolution of a meeting of Parliament earlier this year.

As recent as last Tuesday, Stephens said she received another message from God. “Go and warn Vincentians. Tell them repent and turn from their sins. Keep God’s Ten commandments. Destruction, destruction, destruction. Destruction is coming to the nation.” Stephens recited.

She stated that she does not know what the destruction will be, only God knows and that she is merely a messenger, obeying the voice of God. She added that she knows that it is the voice of God speaking to her, as the messages were always in line with God’s word and that they never drew her away from God.

Stephens, who has been a Christian since she was 14 years old, is also a Seventh Day Adventist.