Ricardo Drayton: We have the best available product in the Caribbean
May 24, 2011

Ricardo Drayton: We have the best available product in the Caribbean

Customers across the Caribbean can now enjoy improved service from Swift Pac, a courier service company with its base in Miami, Florida.{{more}} This was announced as Swift Pac concluded its first annual conference on Wednesday May 17, 2011, at the Beachcombers Hotel Conference Room at Villa, St. Vincent and the Grenadines.

Ricardo Drayton, Director of Swift Pac for the Caribbean, described the company’s first conference as a milestone event. Drayton stated that the company is ready to provide an improved service to its customers. “We are happy to announce that we have created a very attractive and a very classy brand in the brand Swift Pac. Swift Pac is now an international brand and will continue to grow from here on,” he said.

“We are very excited about this product; we believe that we have the best product available today in the Caribbean. When it comes to small package movement, our technology is best and it is unrivaled by any other operator,” Drayton continued.

Speaking about the new services to be offered by the company, Drayton stated that the company is in the process of putting together a complete Internet Shopping Mall. Stating that this will be the company’s greatest achievement, Drayton added that the mall will allow anyone from anywhere to purchase from Swift Pac. “It will enable nationals to purchase from other Caribbean countries without having to travel to those destinations. We are going to provide and we are in the process of providing a service, where we will not only shop for you, but we will move that part for you in a very quick time,” Drayton said. Drayton added that the company will soon begin its ocean cargo service from the United States into Puerto Rico and from Puerto Rico through the Caribbean islands.

Also making remarks, Martha Ramos, Managing Director of PacYa in Miami, said that the Swift Pac representatives are empowered to go forward to develop new business and grow as a group of partners.

Albert White, Swift Pac representative for Panama, also expressed his delight on being onboard the Swift Pac team, adding that it is a good opportunity to offer products to people all over the Caribbean. White added that with the completion of the Panama Canal in 2014, the company’s efforts will improve the economy of the wider Caribbean.

According to Drayton, Swift Pac is now in the process of establishing offices in Jamaica and Panama, St. Kitts and Trinidad, with operations already up and running in Tortola, Dominica and Antigua and Barbuda. Swift Pac is already operating in St. Vincent and the Grenadines, St. Lucia, Grenada and Barbados is soon to be added to the list of Caribbean countries to benefit from the service.