April 21, 2011

JEMS to host Environmental Walk this weekend

In commemoration of Earth Day 2011, JEMS Progressive Community Organization, in partnership with JEMS Youth, Southeast Development Inc. (SEDI), Projects Promotion Ltd., the Forestry Division, the Environmental Management Department, LIME and the St. Vincent Chapter of the Caribbean Youth Environment Network (CYEN), will host an Environmental Walk on Saturday, April 23.{{more}}

The Walk will begin at the Enhams Community Centre at 1 p.m., and go through Dembar and the historic King’s Hill Forest Reserve before circling through Carapan and Stubbs, and returning to Enhams.

“In addition to participating in the global celebration of Earth Day, we want to draw attention to our own King’s Hill Forest Reserve and commemorate the 220th Anniversary of its establishment,” said JEMS President Rhonda Lee, while talking about the event.

Established as a national reserve in 1791, King’s Hill is one of the oldest forest reserves in the Western Hemisphere, second only to the Tobago Reserve. With an elevation of 600 feet, the reserve attracts clouds and rain to an otherwise dry and windswept area, provides a habitat for protected wildlife, and a home for more than 26 identified species of tropical trees and shrubs.

“In light of our rich environmental heritage, it is our privilege and responsibility to ensure the sustainability of our unique island resources for future generations,” continued Lee, urging individuals, families, students and groups throughout St. Vincent and the Grenadines to mark the occasion with acts of conservation and protection.

The first Earth Day celebration dates back to 1969 on college and university campuses in the United States, with the goal of achieving a healthy, sustainable environment. In 1990, Earth Day was lifted to the world stage, with more than 200 million people in 141 countries participating. Participants in Saturday’s Walk will be among the more than 500 million people in 164 countries to celebrate Earth Day this year.

Participants in Saturday’s Environmental Walk are reminded to carry along water. For more information, contact Bernard Sayers at 430-9138, Wadie Simon at 432-8510 or Fumiko Motohashi at 485-6992.