Financial Practitioners exposed to techniques of maximum learning effectiveness
April 21, 2011

Financial Practitioners exposed to techniques of maximum learning effectiveness

Over 20 representatives of financial institutions in St. Vincent and the Grenadines participated in a trainer of trainers workshop on money management hosted and facilitated by the Eastern Caribbean Central Bank on April 12.{{more}}

The participants were exposed to multiple training tools and techniques in financial management and were provided with information about ways in which to create and deliver exciting and engaging presentations. The participants also got the opportunity to work in groups and demonstrate the various techniques, including case studies, group discussions, visual aids, games, songs, music, drama, and story telling. The session also highlighted the importance of the seating layout in creating a teaching environment which fosters full participation and involvement among trainees in the learning process.

Participants said the workshop introduced them to fun and exciting tools and techniques which they intend to utilise when sharing information with various target audiences, including their personnel, clients and the public.

The institutions represented included commercial banks, credit unions, insurance companies, Government departments, and other financial institutions.