April 15, 2011

Vote of no confidence against PSU passed

The vote of no confidence against the Executive of the Public Service Union (PSU) has been passed, but it was not allowed to be debated.{{more}}

This took place at the Public Service Union’s Annual General Meeting on Saturday, April 9.

Reports claim that after several heated exchanges prior to and after the passage of the vote of no confidence, the meeting ended abrubtly without a decision.

Efforts are now being made to invite the Labour Commissioner, Lawyers representing the relevant parties and the National Labour Congress to oversee the vote of no confidence.

In a letter dated March 21, some financial members of the Union issued a notice to the Executive that they will be taking a vote of no confidence against it.

“It has saddened us the direction in which the executive has taken this organisation. Decisions and public announcements are being made committing the general membership to action without engaging us; this is tantamount to dictatorship,” the letter delivered to the Union stated.

The letter continued: “Then there is the vexing issue of the president[‘s]failure to lead delegations to go and discuss issues on behalf of public officers with the Prime Minister and other officials. The union has now become a pressure group and seems more like an arm of a political party instead of an impartial body looking out for its general membership”.