I want justice for my dog, says Penniston
April 15, 2011

I want justice for my dog, says Penniston

Largo Heights farmer Otis Penniston wants justice for his dog, which he claimed was shot and killed by a police officer on Tuesday, April, 12.{{more}}

When Penniston visited SEARCHLIGHT the same day to relate his ordeal, he related that earlier in the day he was in his field forking up potatoes when a woman who operates another parcel of land nearby told him that his dogs had destroyed parts of her land.

Penniston said he told the woman that it was not his dog that was in her land and that he had just chased another dog from her parcel of land. “She tell me my dog rample (rumple) but I tell she that it can’t be my dog,” Penniston said. He said the woman then threatened to make a report to the police about the incident.

While preparing a bowl of Corn Flakes, Penniston said he heard his four dogs barking, and saw two police officers nearby.

“When I look out, I see one ah de police with ah gun,” he related.

According to Penniston, he went outside to meet the police officers, both of whom he said were standing about three feet away from him. “My dog been barking, so I hold on pon it to carry it in the yard because I didn’t want it to rush after the police,” Penniston related.

Penniston said as soon as he attempted to hold on to his dog, one of the police officers shot the dog. “All I hear is a bang, so me ask de Carib looking police, way yo shoot me dog fa?” said Penniston.

The dreadlocked man said the police officers took him to the police station without any explanation. While there, Penniston said he was handcuffed and told to wait and was left there waiting for a long period of time. “I tell them I want $150 for my dog and they tell me I can’t get any money,” Penniston stated.

After reporting the matter, Penniston said: “They ask me what gene (breed) de dog be, and I tell them is ah local dog, and them tell me I can’t get no money.”

Penniston said he loves his dogs dearly and feeds them everyday on rice and chicken. “I want them do something. Police abusing their authority. They ain’t ha no right to shoot me dog just so. I cry all thing wen it (dog) dead,” said Penniston.

When contacted, the Police Public Relations Department confirmed that a report was made by Penniston and that investigations are ongoing into the matter.