He’s Alive!
April 15, 2011

He’s Alive!

Pat Nimblett, the mother of a 12-year-old Thomas Saunders Secondary School student, who was struck by a vehicle in a hit-and-run accident on January 12, is refuting claims that the youngster had died at the Queen Elizabeth Hospital in Barbados.{{more}}

Since Thursday, April 7, information has been circulating on the social network, facebook, that Givorny Nimblett, who had been in a coma for a long period after the accident, had succumbed to his injuries.

“Initially, when I heard the news I got scared. I don’t know why they would want to spread a rumour like this,” said Pat, noting that her husband, George Byron, had called and informed her that Givorny is okay.

“I want this rumour to end, because when people call me and say that they heard Givorny died, I get scared,” said Pat.

“He is out of the coma. All the machines have been unhooked and he has been breathing on his own. Also, he is hearing what you are saying so I don’t know how come they got that kind of news,” said Pat. Givorny is, however, unable to speak because of a tracheotomy, which is now healing.

On Friday, April 8, Givorny was accompanied to Cuba by his father, Byron, where he will undergo therapy. This was made possible by the Government of St.Vincent and the Grenadines, which used its diplomatic relations to facilitate the trip.

A few days after the accident, an air ambulance was brought in by the state to facilitate his transfer to Barbados.

Reports claim that on Wednesday, January 12, Givorny, a first form student of the Thomas Saunders Secondary School, was returning from a shop at Fountain, where he had gone to purchase detergent, when he was knocked down just a few yards away from his home by motor vehicle PR 719, owned by Williams Agencies of Kingstown.

Earlier that afternoon, a doctor, who was in possession of the vehicle, reportedly gave it to a Male Attendant at the Levi Latham Health Centre, Mesopotamia, to clean at the hospital’s premises. But it is said that the attendant took the vehicle and went elsewhere.

Reliable information states that Givorny’s condition was considered so critical by health offcials here that his case was referred to the Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Barbados.

Colville “Smallie” Jackson, of Mesopotamia, has been remanded to custody since the accident.

A Medical Summary prepared by John Gill, Consultant/Neurosurgeon of the Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Barbados, disclosed that Givorny was transferred to that hospital for evaluation of traumatic brain injury, a fracture of the distal left humerus, severe abrasion of the anterior abdominal wall and contusion of the lungs that was complicated by bilateral pneumonic consolidation.

Gill, in his recommendation, suggested that, despite Givorny’s current condition, the appropriate rehabilitative inputs are likely to result in improvement of his condition and enhancement of his progress.