SVG Tourism Authority unveils its new logo
April 12, 2011

SVG Tourism Authority unveils its new logo


This is the general sentiment that was most expressed at last Saturday night’s launch of the new St.Vincent and the Grenadines Tourism Authority logo and application.{{more}}

From the moment one entered the Arnos Vale Sporting Complex, where the gala event was held, the atmosphere, created by lighting normally set for international events, transmitted a message that something special was in store.

“St. Vincent and the Grenadines is about to take flight and is off for much success in the tourism industry,” said Glen Beache, Chief Executive Officer of the St.Vincent and the Grenadines Tourism Authority, as he unveiled the new logo, produced by Lonsdale Saatchi Advertising Limited, to loud oohhs and aahhs.

The fresh, new logo encapsulates two of the national colours, blue and yellow, and features a distinctive V, which takes on the shape of a seagull’s wings. ‘The Caribbean you are looking for’ remains the Authority’s tag line.

This segment was followed by the launch of the Application, which was developed for ipods and iphones, as well as android phones and Blackberries. Essentially, this entails breathtaking videos of St.Vincent and the Grenadines, travel information and Global Positioning System (GPS), which will be used as one of the Authority’s “best marketing tools” in promoting St.Vincent and the Grenadines, as well as establishing a strong presence on social media networks.

The St.Vincent and the Grenadines Tourism Authority is mandated to market the entire destination [32 islands which complete the state] to both regional and international visitors. Beache admitted that here at home, while some people would like the new logo, there are those who would not.

“Even within my staff, we had discussions. Some people like the new logo; some people don’t. I think it will grow upon everybody though and I think that once you see it, everyone here will agree that it does represent St.Vincent and the Grenadines completely,” said Beache, the former Minister of Tourism.

Beache expressed optimism that the strategy would be understood.

Explaining the rationale for changing the Authority’s logo, Beache said as far back as 2005, he saw the need for changing the logo, as a result of it not being able to clearly identify the country which it represented.

“If you speak to our agencies, one of the problems we had over the years has been the logo, in terms of minimising it, in terms of it expressing what we wanted to express internationally and in terms of it expressing what we wanted to convey; something that represented all of St.Vincent and the Grenadines,” said Beache.

To this end, Beache admitted that even though there are many iconic symbols, namely, La Soufriere, amazona guildingii (national bird), Fort Charlotte,and the Botanic Gardens, the Authority’s aim is to present a feature of this country that represents all of St.Vincent and the Grenadines from mainland St.Vincent down to Petit St.Vincent.

The CEO explained that the destination offers a multi-dimensional experience for the visitor and are as free as a bird. Hence, the reason for choosing the seagull, which is pervasive throughout the destination’s island chain. He added that the seagull in flight, connotes the freedom to experience and explore all that St. Vincent and the Grenadines has to offer.

Beache said his marketing team and him studied at least 100 different logos and had research done on the subject in the UK, Europe and North America to see what people thought of it.

“People did like the old logo and people like the new logo, but one of the things that people loved about the new logo is the freedom, the cleanliness of it, the fact that we can minimize it and you could still recognize it,” said Beache.

The CEO also used the opportunity to announce some cost cutting measures that the Authority will take this year, which will save an estimated EC$28, 000.

Representatives of Four BGB, Spring O’Brian and Lonsdale Saatchi Advertising Limited [who represent the Authority overseas] along with regional and international journalists were on hand to witness the ceremony.The entire event including research for the new logo and development of the application cost approximately EC$75,000.

The occasion was a proud moment for Prime Minister Dr.Ralph Gonsalves, who delivered the feature address.

Gonsalves focused his introduction on calling on Vincentians to get the small things right. This included the charge that it’s time for Vincentians to desist from profiling persons of other Caribbean nationalities and to provide quality service to tourists at all times when they visit the shores of St.Vincent and the Grenadines. The call was also made to maintain tourist attractions and provide good air transport.

Gonsalves also used the opportunity to appeal to persons to cease from gouging their prices.

The Prime Minister said that his administration has limited resources, but goes out of its way to attract investment.

He spoke of challenges which still confront this country from the global recession and mentioned that the country is in for another challenging year with hiking oil and food prices.

Gonsalves expressed that Tourism is the country’s most single significant sector and pointed the need for everyone to embrace it as their business.

He added that his admistration’s overarching goal is to mordernize and refresh the sector.

“The Tourism Authority can do all of this very splendid work, which we are doing here tonight and I want to congratulate the Board of the Tourism Authority and the Chief Executive Officer, the staff and all those who are engaged in this rebranding.But we could do all this and of all this comes to nought because we don’t just get the small things right,” said Gonsalves.

He called for an educated and healthy population who can foster deeper insights and creatity.

The Prime Minister said in the fall out from the global recession, some countries have chosen to tax the tourism sector, but SVG has not done that and have provided relief for electricity and other vital areas to the sector.