April 12, 2011

Seven-year-old girl struck by mini-bus

Seven-year-old Tallia Williams is in need of urgent medical assistance, which will be sought in Grenada, as she continues to complain of headaches after being struck by a vehicle.{{more}}

Williams, a seven-year-old student from Owia, who is currently warded at the Milton Cato Memorial Hospital Children’s Ward, was involved in a vehicular accident at Sandy Bay on April 6, 2011.

However, the girl’s mother, Chandy Williams, said she is in a stable condition, but is still in a lot of pain.

“She has been crying a lot for her head and can hardly move about,” Williams, 28, said.

A police report states that an investigation is ongoing into the matter, in which motor vehicle, HC 66, a van owned by Anthony Dublin, 44, a mechanic of Sandy Bay and driven by Lionel Browne, 42, of Overland, struck Williams.

Reports claim that around 1:15 p.m., Browne was driving the minibus along the Sandy Bay public road when the accident occurred, as Tallia attempted to cross the road.

Williams told SEARCHLIGHT that her daughter was on her way to see her father. Since the incident, Williams admitted that it has been difficult for her to eat or even sleep. “It has been really hard for me because I have been by her side the entire time,” said Williams.

Williams said doctors have told her that Tallia needs to travel to Grenada to have a Computerised Axial Tomography (CAT scan) done.

Up to press time, no charges were laid.