Ministry seeks better relations with public
April 5, 2011

Ministry seeks better relations with public

Clayton Burgin, Minister of Housing, Informal Human Settlements, Physical Planning, Lands and Surveys, is continuing his efforts to create the conditions for improvements in the interaction between his staff and the general public.{{more}}

A news release from his Ministry states that Burgin recognizes that appropriate relations with the public is the hallmark of good service, especially since the entire Ministry is required to interact with the general public on a daily basis. And, customer service and customer etiquette are among the 2011 result indicators for the Ministry.

In this regard, 20 members of staff will participate in a workshop on Customer Service, today, at the Ministry’s conference room, which is located in the Central Administration Unit in the Methodist Church Building on Granby Street, beginning at 8:15 a.m.

Participants, who are drawn from the Central Administration Unit, the Physical Planning Unit, the Lands and Surveys Department and the Housing and Land Development Corporation, all within the Ministry of Housing, etc., will hear brief remarks from Burgin during the opening ceremony, with closing remarks by Permanent Secretary Luis de Shong.

The workshop will be facilitated by Olicia Frank, Research Officer at the Public Sector Reform Unit within the Ministry of National Reconciliation, the Public Service, Labour, Information and Ecclesiastical affairs.