Eustace – ULP administration failed in its governance
April 1, 2011

Eustace – ULP administration failed in its governance

The New Democratic Party (NDP) held a public forum on Tuesday, March 22, 2011, to discuss several issues affecting the country, including inefficiencies of the Unity Labour Party, (ULP) administration.{{more}}

The meeting which took place at the NDP headquarters heard speeches from members of the party, including leader Arnhim Eustace, representative for Central Kingstown St. Claire Leacock, representative for Northern Grenadines Dr. Godwin Friday and Senator Anesia Baptiste. The speakers addressed issues such as the financial and economic condition of the country, the bills which have been opposed by the party in Parliament, and the issues of freedom in the country.

Speaking on the financial and economic situation in the country, Eustace stated that the ULP administration has failed in its governance of the country. Eustace added that the economy is in decline and that unemployment is high. Commenting on the expenses and revenue quoted in the Budget address, Eustace further stated that the government has started the year with its expenses exceeding its revenue by $105 million. “This is not a good thing! It means that you do not have the money to do what you ought to do, and that means certain things will fall by the wayside,” he stated.

Also speaking on the economy, St. Claire Leacock said that it will get a lot worse before it gets better, under the ULP administration. Leacock stated that persons are living a reduced state of life, given that they are unable to provide for themselves. He added that the ULP administration has failed the people. He added that it is the responsibility of the leaders of the NDP to stand on the side of democracy and to speak out on any intrusion of the justice system. He also encouraged the supporters of the NDP to stand ‘shoulder to shoulder’ with the party in their efforts.

Also making brief remarks, Dr. Godwin Friday spoke about the bills passed in Parliament that were protested against by the NDP. He mentioned the amendments made to the Criminal Procedure Code and the Representation of the People’s Act. Friday mentioned the amended sections of both bills and their implications for the people of St. Vincent. Senator Anesia Baptiste also spoke briefly on the issues of rights and freedom in the country.

The forum also featured a question and answer session during which members of the public had the opportunity to have issues concerning them addressed. The discussion included aspects of the amended bills, the readiness of the NDP for the next general election, and the changing face of politics in the country, inter alia.