VINLEC urges customers to protect their equipment
August 13, 2010

VINLEC urges customers to protect their equipment

This country’s lone electricity provider, the St. Vincent and the Grenadines Electricity Services (VINLEC), is urging the public to protect their electrical appliances and equipment during lightning storms.{{more}}

Communications Officer at the company, Tamara Job Sprott, speaking to SEARCHLIGHT on Tuesday, August 10, one day after a massive lightning storm, said that the company is not responsible for damage to household appliances.

“Once lightning strikes, there’s little or nothing we can do,” Sprott said. “We encourage our customers to practice electrical safety during lightning strikes, the hurricane season and flooding.”

She said that the company encourages the use of surge protectors, and especially in the case of lightning, home owners are urged to turn off and unplug equipment, until the storm has passed.

In the case of flooding, Sprott advised that the main breaker be turned off, and all electrical equipment be taken off the floor for safety.

However, Sprott indicated that customers who feel that their equipment and appliances were damaged by some fault of the company could send a formal letter indicating how and when the appliances were damaged.

“When we get the letter, we will send someone to investigate. If we are satisfied that we are at fault, we will pay for the damage. We have paid for stuff before.”

Concerning Monday’s lightning storm, which was accompanied by heavy rains, Sprott said that the company had lost three feeders, which caused power outages in a number of areas.

She said that these were rectified within an hour.(JJ)