LIME Antigua files bypass suit to recover EC$23-million from Digicel
July 16, 2010

LIME Antigua files bypass suit to recover EC$23-million from Digicel

LIME Antigua has filed suit in the Eastern Caribbean Supreme Court against Digicel seeking to have Digicel cease and desist, with immediate effect, from illegally bypassing LIME’s international network.{{more}}

LIME is also seeking redress in the sum of EC$23-million which represents revenue that LIME and the Antigua Public Utilities Authority (APUA) have lost over the past three years because of Digicel’s bypass activities

Don Austin, LIME’s Executive Vice President for Legal and Regulatory said today: “LIME has determined that Digicel Antigua is engaged in bypass activities in relation to the origination and termination of international calls out of and into Antigua and Barbuda in contravention of the exclusive licence under which LIME operates. This action by Digicel has resulted in significant financial losses to both LIME and APUA and by extension the Government of Antigua and Barbuda.

“We wrote to Digicel some weeks ago asking that they put a halt to these activities failing which we would have to pursue other options available to us. They have not discontinued the bypass activities and we therefore had no other recourse but to initiate legal action seeking legal redress through the law courts.”