June 22, 2010

Walters – Church and state should be one

There should be no distinction between church and state.

Selmon Walters, Minister of Rural Transformation and Ecclesiastical Affairs made this declaration last Monday, June 14 during at a National Day of Prayer Rally at Heritage Square.{{more}}

“There is a working partnership between the state and the church, and it is a good partnership,” he continued.

While some people are of the notion that the church and state should remain two separate entities, Walters is of the opinion that there can be no separation.

“We can’t do it that way, there is work for the state and there is work for the church, and one of the strongest functions of the church is to pray.”

Walters told those gathered that it was their responsibility to pray for members of government.

“Some people think their role is only to criticize, but no, you have to pray that God will bring us the wisdom to lead,” he said, adding that the in the end the only one who can change things was God.