May 21, 2010

Methodists celebrating 250th anniversary

Celebrations to mark 250 years of Methodist worship and outreach in the Caribbean and the Americas get going officially this evening with a symposium on evangelism at the Methodist Church Hall, Kingstown.{{more}}

Reverend Fed Jean-Pierre, of Haiti, will address the symposium on the theme for the celebrations, “Holy Spirit Renew Your Church Through Mission and Evangelism”. It begins at 6:30 p.m.

The celebratory activities will continue tomorrow evening with an Open Air Service at Calliaqua at 6:30; then on Sunday, hundreds of Methodists and well wishers will converge at the Arnos Vale Playing Field for the Aldersgate Service at 10:00 a.m.

Aldersgate is the anniversary of John Wesley’s “Evangelical Conversion” (May 24, 1738) when he experienced his ‘heart strangely warmed’. Hence, Methodists remember and observe Aldersgate Day, because it not only shaped the life and ministry of John Wesley, but also the entire Methodist movement from that time until today.

Rev. Jean-Pierre will deliver the sermon during the morning service. The afternoon session feature young people from Methodist Churches throughout the State ministering to the congregation through drama, song, and dance.

During the all-day affair, persons attending will have the opportunity to learn more about the Methodist Church’s position on baptism, Christian Perfection, Salvation by Grace, Assurance of Salvation.

“We are inviting everyone to come out and have a spiritual experience. We are especially urging each person who will attend to bring a loved one or friend. Whether you are a member of the Methodist Church or not you will have your “heart warmed”, and we join together to praise God,” says a spokesperson for the Celebratory Committee.