Director of NEMO heads to CDERA
May 14, 2010

Director of NEMO heads to CDERA

Howie Prince, Director of The National Emergency Management Organization (NEMO), has taken up a new appointment at the Caribbean Disaster Emergency Response Agency (CDERA)/The United Nations Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean.{{more}}

On Tuesday, May 11, 2010, Prime Minister Dr.Ralph Gonsalves in an exclusive interview with SEARCHLIGHT gave confirmation that Prince had been seconded to the regional body.

“He was given leave to work with the regional organization. He was recognized as doing excellent work,” said Gonsalves.

“This is the problem (we) have. You have a man doing excellent work, but the region wants him,” said Gonsalves, adding his administration has to balance between giving Prince leave or not giving him leave.

Prince’s stint in Trinidad and Tobago is expected the last for a period of two years.

Would this create a vacuum at NEMO? The Prime Minister responded, “No! No! NEMO is in good hands. NEMO is in good hands.”

Gonsalves expressed his administrative officials are confident that NEMO has competent staff to do the work that is required.

A law was enacted here in 2006 to establish NEMO as the central agency for coordinating disaster management in the state.

NEMO has the responsibility of managing the country’s National Disaster Response Plan, conduct annual simulations, maintain an updated resource list and Memoranda of Understandings, demographic statistics, the identification of vulnerable locations, and working with communities to prepare local disaster response plans.(HN)