NUSS holds career week of activities
May 7, 2010

NUSS holds career week of activities

The administrative staff of the North Union Secondary School has embarked on a mission to provide students of the institution with proper career coaching.{{more}}

The institution successfully held its Career Week of Activities from Monday, April 19, to Friday, April 23, 2010, under the theme “Looking at the future through the eyes of the present”.

Principal St.Clair DaSantos in his address to the students stated that with proper career coaching, a job search would be easier and they would be in a better position to be able to bridge the gap between job-availability and their qualifications.

DaSantos added that choosing the right career can be a very daunting task, especially in a world which offers an array of paths, all of which seem to be leading to a golden goal.

“Careers can actually make or break one’s life, so it is important to make the right choice. Career guidance can help you in pursuing the right courses, in the right colleges or institutes, and can guide you in choosing a suitable career,” he emphasized.

He reminded the students that education plays an important role in getting them the right job in their chosen field. He reiterated that it is the key to success and a way to alleviate themselves out of poverty.

“Remember, an investment in education yields the greatest dividend. The stepping stones or prerequisites for choosing your dream career are, of course, the qualifications required to achieve it. With the right qualifications, skills values and attitude, the top careers are open to you,” he said.

DaSantos also highlighted the importance of career counselling as it can play an important role in guiding students in selecting the courses suitable for them. The choice depends on various factors, including convenience and requirements, he said. The principal added, for some careers, a Bachelor’s degree will do, but others may require a Master’s or even a PhD.

The choice of university is vital as well, as each one differs in its outlook and approach, DaSantos pointed out.

“The choice offered by various universities is also vast, with some of them offering Associate Degrees and online degrees, which make pursuing the requisite qualifications much easier. This is especially so if you are already in a job and looking for a career change. The same is also helpful, if you are planning to pursue multiple courses at the same time,” he explained.

The activities for the week comprised several activities which included counselling sessions with fourth and fifth formers. This was hosted by Counsellor Edward Smith, along with senior officials from the Ministry of Education. A career seminar was also held with third formers to assist them in selecting their fourth form stream. This was hosted by the Heads of Departments.

Other activities included presentations by Inspector Jonathan Nicholls of the Royal St.Vincent and the Grenadines Police Force, Gregg Francois of Solid Waste Management Unit, and Senior Education Officer Carlton ‘CP’ Hall, who also declared the Fair open. “Switching Roles Day”, where students performed the role of teachers for the day, while teachers took up the position of students added excitement to the package.

All activities were organized to expose the students to a variety of career opportunities to enhance their ability to make the right choices.(HN)