Morale high at LIME
May 7, 2010

Morale high at LIME

LIME employees in St. Vincent and the Grenadines are confident that the company’s new management team can improve the fortunes of the company.{{more}}

Their frequent applause punctuated the presentations of three of the company’s Operating Board members during a meeting Wednesday 21 April at Russell’s Cinema, Stoney Ground, in which the company’s Barbados based Chief Executive Officer, David Shaw, outlined his vision for the company to be on a sustainable growth path by 2012.

The company’s new Chief Marketing Officer, Chris Dehring, was introduced to the Vincentian workers and he apprised them of key new marketing strategies in the evolution of the company’s new brand, while former SVG LIME Country Manager, Donald Austin, who made up the three member management team as head of Legal and Regulatory Affairs, informed his audience of the company’s recent legal victory against Digicel.

“Winning as One” is the theme of LIME’s resurgence as a major telecommunications provider in the English speaking Caribbean.

Feeding on the concept that the Caribbean is about communities, Shaw said that LIME could be successful in business if it becomes involved in the communities in which it operates. He stressed that the way forward is not by giving charity, rather, LIME must actually empathize and genuinely interact as a component of the communities in which it provides service.

Stressing that LIME is striving for transparency, the CEO claimed that the company has put some basic values back in place with respect to truthfulness and honesty.

He added that the company is implementing the Five Cs one Caribbean; Commercial; Colleague; Customer; and Community.

The LIME CEO said work is being done on the company’s brand in making it more compatible with the colourful character of the Caribbean.

He said an important aspect of the One Caribbean outlook is seen in the current bill format, which is less cumbersome to customers, less expensive to the company and provides a better interactive facility for customers.

Shaw disclosed that LIME is still the leading telecommunications service provider in the English speaking Caribbean.

He said: “Although LIME has lost market share in Jamaica, efforts are being made to retain leadership in that market. We are still the mobile leader in nine of the thirteen territories in which it operates. In eleven of our 13 businesses, were still the broadband leader and in twelve, we’re the fixed line leader. The only one we’re not is in Antigua because it is a business run by the Antigua government. We are fighting back in Jamaica and have made some progress there,” Shaw said.

LIME Operating Board will be visiting every island in the Caribbean, and colleagues’ morale in St Vincent and the Grenadines has given the Board lots of inspiration for the remaining visits.