Health Springs opens its doors
May 7, 2010

Health Springs opens its doors

The quiet determination inherited from her mother has led Rhonelle Grant to where she is today.

Last Sunday, as Grant officially opened the doors to her very own physical therapy clinic, she credited her mother, as well as other family members and friends for the motivation to not only pursue a Bachelor’s degree in physical therapy, but also to take her dreams further.{{more}}

Surrounded by family members, friends, and well wishers who may well become clients at some point, and interspersed by rainfall that was interpreted as showers of blessings, Grant officially cut the ribbons on the door to her clinic, which is situated at Beachmont in the business district of the neighbourhood.

After five years of studies at the Faculty of Medical Sciences in Cienfuegos, Cuba, where she received the equivalent of an Upper First Class Honours degree, Grant insisted that she is ready and able to take on the many ailments that may afflict and affect persons here.

These she explained may derive from strokes, chronic diseases, spinal cord lesions, child orthopaedic deformities, sports injuries, back pain and accidents, among others.

Grant indicated that she chose the field of physical therapy and rehabilitation because of her love for helping people and by doing so she is being partly responsible for the well being of others.

The born again Christian and proud member of the Kingstown Baptist Church indicated that she intends to follow in the footsteps of her mother who was a nurse and sister who is a veterinarian to get into the medical field some time in the future.

With the clinic being one of the first steps towards getting her goals accomplished, she does not plan to stop there.

Rhonelle explained that she intends to expand Health Springs to accommodate other necessary areas such as physical enhancement, nutrition and empowerment of the individual through educational workshops for the total wellness experience.

Lauded by those who know her as a highly organized woman with clear vision and excellent administrative skills, there was an air of confidence that Rhonelle and her venture are destined for greatness.

The slogan for Health Springs is ‘reawaken, redefine, recapture yourself’.(JJ)