Not business as usual, says Beache
April 30, 2010

Not business as usual, says Beache

Minister of Tourism, Glen Beache, is adamant that for the tourism sector to become more competitive, it cannot be business as usual.{{more}}

Beache, speaking at the opening ceremony of an OECS workshop on Agro Tourism on Thursday, April 22, 2010, stated that in order for the industry to be more competitive, the country must have a diverse product to offer to visitors.

Beache made references to businesses which close their doors on Sundays. While clarifying that he was not telling persons how to operate their businesses, he noted that when cruise ships come into the country on a Sunday, closed stores greet the passengers.

“It’s quite frustrating when you have cruise ships on Sunday and all of Kingstown is closed.”

Beache stated that St. Vincent has received low ratings from cruise ship passengers who visited the island on Sundays, adding that a recent study showed that St. Vincent came in last on cruise ship passengers spending on Sunday visits.

“As Vincentians, we are going to have to be competitive. It cannot be on Saturdays all businesses close at twelve (noon) and that on Sundays every business will close.”

Beache added that if they have good ratings from Sunday visits, cruise ships will be interested in coming back to St. Vincent.(OS)