Nominations now open for 2010 Unsung Hero
April 16, 2010

Nominations now open for 2010 Unsung Hero

The general public is invited to submit nominations for the 2010 First Caribbean International Bank (FCIB) Unsung Hero.

This year’s programme was launched on Tuesday, April 13, 2010, at the Frenches House.{{more}}

Speaking at the ceremony, Head of Coporate Banking and Head of FCIB, Elroy John, expressed that the FCIB Unsung Hero programme is very important to the First Caribbean family as it allows them to recognise great contributors to society, who would otherwise go unnoticed.

Expressing pride in the achievements of St. Vincent and the Grenadines awardees, John added that he was grateful for the support and presence of the communities which eagerly submit their nominations each year.

John said that the FCIB is committed to keeping the programme alive. “As we embrace the new economic and social challenges of our world, we, too, will continue to embrace being our brother’s keeper…”.

Alietha Jackson, the 2010 Unsung Heroes Coordinator, speaking at the ceremony, said that at FCIB they generally believe that societies benefit from the “altrustic and capable individuals” who take on the challenge of breaking the status quo and opportunities to allow people to grow and prosper.

The programme, she said, operates on a local and regional level. A local hero is selected by the local judges from nominations submitted by the public. The local winner is recognised and awarded US$6,000 to go toward their cause. The regional winner is then chosen from 25 finalists, and recieves US$7,500.

Also speaking at the event, 2009 Local and Regional FCIB Unsung Hero John Roache encouraged those present to rise to their calling and overcome the many challenges that they face.

Roache related that he has learnt humilty, even though it is easy to get carried away when you are in the spotlight.

Roache added that as humans, we possess the spirit of the Almighty, through whom all things are possible.

He added that he has learnt that whatever situations or challenges persons go through, they align themselves in a pattern “to usher you into the calling and destiny that your Maker has called you to perform.”

Nominations for the local FCIB Unsung Hero will close on June 30, 2010, and the winner will be annouced in October.

Other local and regional winners include 2006 winner Jestina Charles and 2008 winner Veolant Cupid.(OS)