CWSA: We are not out of the woods yet
March 26, 2010

CWSA: We are not out of the woods yet

Officials at the Central Water and Sewerage Authority (CWSA) are moving forward with its strategy of the conservation of water despite the recent rainfall.{{more}}

“We are still not out of the woods yet, and we must continue to conserve,” Johnathan Abraham, Lab Technician with CWSA, told SEARCHLIGHT.

He further explained that plants around the country were currently operating at levels far below the norm.

As was evident when SEARCHLIGHT visited the plant at Dallaway, the single largest reservoir serving over 40 percent of the population.

The storage tanks at this site have a carrying capacity of over 750,000 gallons distributing over 2 million gallons of water when it is functioning normally, according to Abraham.

Even with the rain, the situation looks bleak, with tanks far below the usual carrying capacity.

The fact that the recent rain has had little or no effect was evident in the Dallaway river, the main source of the plant, with only a trickle.

Varn Edwards, Plant Supervisor at Dallaway, said that it has now become a 24-hour job manning the various plants across the country.

He said that he and his team spend long hours on site turning on and turning off valves allowing for different parts of the country to have access to water.

Water is turned off during hours of low usage to facilitate refilling of the tanks.

However, as the team explained, what little water gets collected is usually almost gone once the main valves are turned on.