Grenadines residents crying out for water
March 12, 2010

Grenadines residents crying out for water

Residents of the Southern Grenadines are biting their nails in anticipation of the next rain cloud that will burst the eastern sky.{{more}}

This is Godsend! One person said, when water arrived early last Friday, March 5 on the MV Geronimo when it made an extraordinary stop at the Clifton Wharf. Eyes lit up, cheers were heard from all directions, as islanders put out their empty containers awaiting the CWSA truck as it passed along distributing water.

A few thirsts were quenched, but the extent of the water shortage here on Union Island is so severe that more than half of the residents affected did not get as much as a bucket from the 35,000 gallons that were distributed.

A million thanks to the CWSA and all others involved in organizing the relief effort. Now residents of Mayreau are anxiously await their turn. Reports are that many of them are already suffering from diarrhea and vomiting, which many suspect is as a direct result of the drought being experienced.

In the Grenadine islands, while many have wells, do not have rivers and streams for fresh water supply and depends primarily on rainfall. The reservoir only have enough water to cover the bottom of the tanks, preventing them from bursting and the wells on Union Island are going low. It’s been some years since we have experienced anything like this and one can only be hopeful that the rain will fall before June as forecasted by the Met office.

While many residents expressed their gratitude, others are wondering when the boat will make its next stop, since water is essential to the sustenance of life. It’s inconceivable to imagine the multiplier effect that could occur as a result of this problem. The Grenadines main stay is tourism, and this begs the question, how will the restaurants and hotels function? No one knows, but the cry continues. The silent lamentation can be seen from miles away as mother earth itself cries, the landscape is left naked, no grass, the leaves have deserted the trees and domestic animals (sheep, goat, cow etc) are now forced to develop different appetite, craving scraps of food and can be often found at the garbage site with pigs wrestling for a daily meal. Union Island cries, can someone please hear us!