DPP – ‘Worst diary I have ever seen’
March 5, 2010

DPP – ‘Worst diary I have ever seen’

Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) Colin Williams is of the view that the absence of key documentation at the Criminal Investigation Department (CID) was one of the determining factors in the recent conviction of three police officers.{{more}}

Williams addressing a Sergeant and Corporals conference on February 25, 2010, at the Old Montrose Police Station touched on topics relating to documentation and station management.

The outspoken DPP, who spoke explicitly about the case involving officers Kasankie Quow, Osrick James and Hadley Ballantyne, highlighted some of the faux pas committed by the police officers during the case. Just last month, all three men, now on suspension pending appeal, were convicted for assaulting teenager Jemark Jackson in 2008.

Williams said that The Police Regulation Act, cap 280, was breached by police officers.

“The worst diary I have ever seen is the Station Diary from the Criminal Investigation Department, which is an elite core in the police force,” Williams said.

The DPP mentioned a recent case in the high court where he requested the Station Diary from the Colonarie Police Station.

“When you refer to that Station Diary, from the admission of the prisoner, checks as required by cap 280 were made every 30 minutes on the prisoner,” he said.

However, in young Jackson’s case, no entry was made for up to two hours.

“I cant understand how CID could have a diary that has gaps and rather than assisting their brother, that diary turns around to haunt them. There is no record of checking on the prisoner every half an hour,” Williams asserted.

According to Williams, cap 280 mandates that prisoners be checked upon every 30 minutes.

“If you had done so, and there is a record in the diary indicating such, then it goes towards assisting your case. This is where we see the importance of documentation because you never know when it will be needed,” Williams pointed out.

He urged the officers in attendance to secure every piece of documentation that they pertaining to cases.

“You can always transcribe it but what happens when if it is challenged and the original is asked to be seen, you have to close all avenues, and if you don’t do your work properly you will fall by it,” Williams warned.